
Oleg Hristolübskiy

Solidarity Performance
One-man Musical
Based on the novel by Lucy and Stephen Hawking
Perfomance - promenade
Digital-performance installation
Music Video for the band AloeVera
Short Documentary Film
Short Feature Film
Short Feature Film by Elisabeth Werchosin
General Producer
Producer, Concept-Maker
Mobile AR Game
Oleg Hristolübskiy is a multidisciplinary artist, film director, and producer.

Born on 24.10.1991 in Surgut, Russia. Studied at RGISI (Russian State Institute of Stage Arts, 2012-2017). For several years, he has been working as the chief director of the theatre "Poisk".

During his career, he has staged more than 25 productions around the world, created and produced events, and engaged in musical and digital theatre and cinema.
He is a nominee and award winner for his plays and films.

Currently lives in Berlin, Germany, where he is doing a Master's degree at SRH University, specializing in Filmmaking.

He is the general producer of the festival "Echo Lyubimovka. Berlin."
At the end of 2023, he premiered his new theatre production "Finist, heller Falke" based on the play by Svetlana Petriichuk.

He is currently producing a social mobile AR game "Red Cap Must Cry", dedicated to the problems of domestic sexualized violence, as well as pre-producing his debut feature film musical "Die Flucht".
About me
Work Experience
2019 - Modern time | Worldwide
Independent Film and Theater Director
As director and producer, I have staged more than 25 productions around the world. I gathered a team of specialists, with whom we could cover all the key tasks of creative production. Created several digital performances. Worked with Russian partners, as well as with European ones.
2022 - Modern Time | Worldwide
Mobile AR Game "Red Cap Must Cry"
Independent Personal Project
With a team, I am working on a mobile game that addresses the issue of domestic sexualized child abuse. This is a social project of great importance in society. In this project, I am the idea creator, scriptwriter, director, and game designer.
2023 | Berlin; Germany
Independent Playwright Antiwar Charity Festival "Lübimovka Echo Berlin"
General Producer
I organized my own festival of Russian-language anti-war drama in Berlin. More than 70 people worked at the festival under my direction absolutely free of charge. All the proceeds from the tickets went to charity in support of Ukraine.
2022 - 2023 | Munich; Germany
Working Student in Production Department
My responsibilities include coordination of business events in terms of technical production, dealing with AV suppliers, show calling, speaker management, technical and production support for on-site and online events.
2021 | Saint-Petersburg; Russia
Producer and Director of celebration 20th Anniversary of company
I created and produced a large-scale celebration of Ascreen's 20th anniversary for 150 guests. My responsibilities included creating and developing the concept of the celebration, organizing the logistics, finding and organizing suppliers, managing all the services at the time of the event, and writing the event budget.
2017 – 2019 | Lesosibirsk; Russia
Theatre "POISK"
Head Director
During my artistic directing, the theater became known throughout Russia, was nominated several times for the most prestigious awards and became a prominent cultural point on the map of Russia.
2021 - modern time
SRH University of Applied Science | Berlin.
Master Program: Film, Television, and Digital Narratives
2012 - 2017
State University of Performing Arts | Saint-Petersburg.
Specialist Department of Dramatic Theatre, Degree program in Theatre Directing
Course Certificate
"Introduction to Game Design" CALARTS | California, USA
"Game-design in the theater" by Tassos Stevens (Artistic Director of the theatrical company "Coney") | UK
Rimsky-Korsakov Saint-Petersburg State Conservatory | Saint-Petersburg
Department of Choir Conducting
2009 – 2012
Free listener: directing of music theater
2010 – 2012
Theatre studio "Theatre of Youthful Creativity", Saint-Petersburg
2006 – 2009
Glinka choral college, Saint-Petersburg
1998 – 2009
Press about my works
Golden Mask Festival
Performance "I'm making site-specific for you, while you cut an onion in the kitchen"


Summer Festival of Arts "Access Point"
Digital performance "Oddisey-CoVid- 19"

Special prize by a jury of critics of "Spontaneous program"

Krasnoyarsk's Theatre Festival "Theatre Spring – 2019"
Show "Sonntagskind"


Russian Theatre Festival "Art- Migration for Children"
Show "Sonntagskind"
